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Hidden Valley Elementary to hold annual ‘Peace Program’ on Jan. 11

Hidden Valley Elementary to hold annual ‘Peace Program’ on Jan. 11

The Peace Program at Hidden Valley Elementary is an annual event that rededicates the Peace Pole, which stands near the school’s main entrance with the saying “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” According to The Peace Pole Project — an organization aimed at planting this message around the globe — there are tens of thousands of Peace Poles around the world.

This year’s ceremony has the theme "We Are the World” and is scheduled for Jan. 11 starting at 10 a.m. in the school’s gymnasium. Students plan to sing songs and recite some short sayings and poems. Additionally, the Eagle Ridge Middle School 8th-grade choir will join Hidden Valley’s fourth- and fifth-graders in a song. Local musicians Jimmy Steffan and Holly Circle, the Peace Pole dedicators, will also be performing.      

Hidden Valley is an International Peace Site. Since 2016, the school has held a ceremony that includes staff, students and families, recommitting to being a peaceful and welcoming community.